Businesses That Started During A Recession

finding direction through crisis and opportunity

Launching and growing a small business during a recession is undeniably challenging. Many small business owners will scale back or hold off on launching a new business as uncertain times arise. When your competitors scale back this is your launching pad. They literally just opened up the greatest opportunity for you to transform their fears […]

Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Prepare your business for a recession blog post

A potential recession is looming and business owners are scared. Times are tough for entrepreneurs and most of you are not prepared for the hard times ahead. Even if you are not prepared, it is not too late to take some steps towards being prepared for a near future crisis. Even better, I believe you […]

Economic Downturns Are Business Launching Pads

business men navigating up and down growth

Economic downturns present a multitude of challenges for small businesses. When the economy takes a turn for the worse, small business owners brace for impact. Credit markets tighten up and consumers reduce their spending. There has been much talk about a recession for nearly two years. The war on Israel leaves many small business owners […]

Top 10 Business Books to Read in 2023

10 Must Read Business Books in 2023 Blog

Business books are practical guides to owning a successful business. The most successful entrepreneurs and business owners make reading a priority. Business books may cover topics such as: And so much more. Simply said, business books offer advice from someone who has been to places you want to go. Adding these books to your list […]