5 Ways to Increase Sales On Your Website
Your website is your greatest marketing asset and this is where the sale is made. As a small business owner, you know that closing the sale is crucial to your growth and success. Are you chasing your tail trying to figure out where to invest your marketing efforts to increase your sales? Did you know […]
What Is A Lead Generator and Why is it Important?
Lead generation is a process of attracting prospects who may be interested in your products or services and collecting their email address. The goal is to later convert the lead to a buyer. Many studies have been conducted over the years and it is safe to say that most consumers will NOT make a purchase the first […]
Is Email Marketing Still Effective?
With the rise of social media, influencer marketing, and other newer marketing trends, it’s natural to wonder if email marketing remains an effective tool for small businesses. Business owners wear a lot of hats and have limited time available. It’s critical to make sure the investment of time, resources and skills are allocated towards profitable […]